Monday, November 8, 2010

SDPI raised black flag in protest against the arrival of Obama

President KKSM Tehlan baqavi

Social democratic party of India on November 8,2010 conducted a protest by raising black flag as a mark of dismay and to  condemn  the arrival of American President Obama at 4:00 pm near Chennai district collector office.
Social democratic party North Chennai  President S.Ameer delivered welcome speech .
Jahir Hussain Tiruvallur District president and  Mohamed Bilal, Kancheepuram district president were present . President of Social democratic party of India KKSM Tehlan Baqavi presided the protest demonstration and delivered thought provoking speech condemning the arrival of American President Obama.
In his speech he mentioned that his arrival is a part of a meticulously planned  attempt to enslave  India. Hidden motive behind his arrival is to swindle India’s resources and industries.
Further he said, The euphoria being shown by the Indian government to welcome  the president of American colonial power, which instigated  Civil strife and disturbances in many countries should be condemned in strongest terms” he said.
Slogan raised against obama to quit india immediately and finally South Chennai district president P.Mohamed hussain’s vote of thanks protest demonstration concluded. Local people in large number participated and expressed their anger.

Coimbatore protests

Protest against obama's arrival coimbatore

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